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Storing Ornaments

Over the years, my storage methods for ornaments has been less than stellar.  I wrap them in paper towels and place them all in a large plastic bin.  Chances are good there’s a casualty or two every year.

This year, I decided to do it right and buy a storage system that is a ready made for ornaments.  Do you think I could find this anywhere?!  Anywhere?!  So, I went to Plan B…

I received an email with this tip…glue styrofoam beverage cups to the bottom of the storage bin and place the small ornaments in them.

OK, I had plastic cup, and I was not going to glue them to the bin, but HEY, this is a great idea!  I was able to place all the smaller ornaments into cups and wrapped and laid the larger ones on top.  I am hoping that the structure of the cups will provide some extra stability and maybe there won’t be any losses this year!

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