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Spiritual Warfare

Hi moms! How is life right now? As the schools are ramping up, is yours as well? Or, are you the sane traditionalist that holds out until after Labor Day? We started ours a couple of weeks ago. Actually, we kind of did a light schedule through summer, with it increasing recently.

Yesterday was a really rough day. I was agitated the whole day. There was absolutely no obvious reason for it. The boys were so gracious and said they thought I was just tired.

I don’t know. I’m not ruling out spiritual warfare.

We begin our school day with the Bible. Currently studying the book of Mark, with all the incredible interactions and miracles of Jesus. As a part of our curriculum, we are memorizing Psalm 90…”Lord you have been a dwelling place in all generations…before the mountains were born and you gave birth to the earth and the world…even from everlasting to everlasting…you are GOD…”

Immersing ourselves in the Word, the Holy Word of our Lord, reading, discussing, praying over…there’s power in that! And I am reminded that we have a real enemy. An enemy who will do whatever he can to kill, steal, and destroy our faith in our Creator. He tries to dismantle everything that’s good in our lives.

He will do whatever he can to keep us from focusing on Jesus, or listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. The little things that become blown up throughout our homeschool day.

What did I not do yesterday? I did not pray through each test/trial. Prayer is a weapon. A WEAPON! Equip yourselves, friends, as you go into your day. Know that there is a thief lurking to steal your joy. And there is such joy in the time we spend with our children!

With the horrible actions and thought processes through the world right now, I am humbled and privileged to be able to pray and trust in God’s promises.

“Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” (James 4:7-8).

We limped through our school day, (ugh, don’t even ask about my attempt to do an experiment on cohesion…), and managed to get through it.

This morning, I decided not to “do school” today. I prayed for the Holy Spirit to minister to my heart and to help me overcome Satan’s attempts at disrupting our home. I prayed for strength and for God to go before us throughout our day. I kept prayer on my lips all morning.

We went to see a movie matinee, and while sitting in the theater with my boys on each side, an overwhelming sense of gratitude ran through my whole being. Gratitude for being chosen as mom to these two precious boys; gratitude for being able to stay at home with them; gratitude for TOO MANY THINGS TO MENTION. I was a blubbering mess. The rest of the day was spent in the glow of the Holy Spirit who clearly was going before us through our day. Rarely have I felt His presence as tangible as today. I kept a prayer of praise and petition on my lips, thanking Him for victory past, present, and future. In Him we have V.I.C.T.O.R.Y! This includes in our homeschool!

Keep those prayers on your lips! Keep pressing in to His Holy presence! Thank Him for things yet to come. Trust Him in the hard times. They will come, but Jesus has overcome this world!
Breathe, and enjoy your children, for they are a JOY!

I look forward to our school day tomorrow. I am full to overflowing with love for my Lord, love for my children, love for my husband, and love for this life. I know what I am doing first thing tomorrow….praying…second thing tomorrow…praying….third thing….coffee…fourth thing…praying…

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